New Member Center

Welcome to New Hope Baptist Church
Congratulations on your decision to join the family of God.
1 John 1:9 says…”if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” “Confess means to “agree with” God…I lied , I cheated, I disobeyed. Sin takes us off Gods pathway and results in separation. Confession puts us back on God’s pathway to peace and joy. The Bible says…”He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) “Renounce means to give up completely”.
As a Christian, you need help for two reasons: (1) you’ll want to live in a way that’s pleasing to Jesus. (2) You’ll want to work for the Lord.
What if You Fail?
The first time you do something wrong, you can expect the devil to tell you, “It’s no use. You can’t live the Christian life. You might as well give up.” The devil often puts these ideas in the mind of Christians. Remember this – if you are tempted to do wrong, you have not sinned unless you give in to the temptation. Even Jesus was tempted – He wasn’t a sinner. (Matthew 4:1)
Know Where You Are Weak.
When Peter heard Jesus would be betrayed, he claimed that he was willing to die for the Lord. But before the night was over he had denied Jesus three times. (Matthew 26:34) if you have a weakness, be watchful and on guard.
Cooperate with God.
Trust Jesus to help you overcome temptation. A little girl once said, "Jesus is stronger than the devil, so when the devil comes to the door of my heart, I send Jesus to the door and when the devil sees Jesus, he goes away.” Jesus lives in your heart by His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you become like Jesus.
Being Obedient will help.
Whenever the Lord asks you to do something, obey Him. Listen to the Pastor, your parents, your Church school teacher, your prayer partner and other good Christians. They can help you. They have had or have the same temptation as you. Remember, Jesus is with you all the time. Get in the habit of talking to Him all through the day.
Don’t get discouraged.
You don’t need to give up and you shouldn’t. When a baby starts to walk, he falls many times but he doesn’t give up. If you fail, come to Jesus as you did the first time, ask Him very sincerely to forgive you, and then try again.
Join a Church Auxiliary.
Here at New Hope we believe that becoming a dedicated member of an auxiliary of your choice as soon as possible will help you tremendously with your spiritual growth. You can find one of the greatest privileges of the Christian life is that of having fellowship with other Christians.
We’re certainly not perfect in our Church, but we’ve discovered something worth sharing with you. We daily need wisdom and love beyond our own capacities. Because of this we’ve found it important to set aside a few hours each week to worship God and learn from His Word. In our Church School, Bible study and worship services both young and old learn principles for successful living, not just for Sunday but for every day.
Another source of strength and joy is the support that other Christians give. What encouragement comes from being with people from a variety of backgrounds and interest who care about each other? How helpful it is to listen to the wisdom of older Christians and enjoy the exuberance of the young. What a comfort to receive encouragement and help from friends in time of need.
Our families have found that King Solomon was right when he wrote “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) With so many young people involved in drugs, immorality, gangs, and other crisis, we’re pleased to have children and young adults in our Church school learning the eternal truths of the Word of God.
New Member Expectations.
Once you officially join our church, you will be notified in regards to enrollment in the New Members Class.
This is a 6-8 week class held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. under the instructions of Pastor Smith. You will receive a certificate upon completion of this course. We also encourage you to choose the auxiliary in which you’d like to become a part of upon completion of this course. We sincerely want you to be a part of our Christian family. Again, welcome to New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and please remember; the Pastor’s door is always open.
Your Servant in the Lord
A. L. Smith, Pastor