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Pastor A.L.Smith


“A Church Dedicated To Servant-hood and Discipleship” 


Rev. A. L. Smith joined NHBC Salinas in December, 1999 as our Associate Minister and has been a valuable asset to the Church ever since. 

As the Lord continued to bless the Church, On September 21, 2001, Rev. A. L. Smith, our Associate Minister, was ordained to continue the work of the Gospel Ministry.

On November 28, 2004, the current standing Pastor, Rev. Boyd resigned as Pastor of the Church. At that time, the Associate Minster, Rev. A. L. Smith, became the Interim Pastor.

On Sunday, February 27, 2005, Rev. A. L. Smith was called to be the Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church of Salinas and was installed on May 15, 2005.

Pastor A. L. Smith acknowledges that much has been done, but there is a greater work still to do, and by the Grace of God, New Hope Baptist Church of Salinas will continue to grow and prosper.

Pastor A. L.  Smith
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